The Legend of Rawa Pening (Indonesian Version, English Version, Improved Dialogue / Script)

The Origin Of Story ( Indonesian Version )

Legenda Rawa Pening
Dahulu, di lembah antara Gunung Merbabu dan Telomoyo terdapat sebuah desa bernama Ngasem. Di desa itu tinggal sepasang suami-istri yang bernama Ki Hajar dan Nyai Selakanta yang dikenal pemurah dan suka menolong sehingga sangat dihormati oleh masyarakat. Sayangnya, mereka belum mempunyai anak. Meskipun demikian, Ki Hajar dan istrinya selalu hidup rukun. Setiap menghadapi permasalahan, mereka selalu menyelesaikannya melalui musyawarah.
Suatu hari, Nyai Selakanta duduk termenung seorang diri di depan rumahnya. Tak lama kemudian, Ki Hajar datang menghampiri dan duduk di sampingnya.
“Istriku, kenapa kamu terlihat sedih begitu?” tanya Ki Hajar.
Nyai Selakanta masih saja terdiam. Ia rupanya masih tenggelam dalam lamunannya sehingga tidak menyadari keberadaan sang suami di sampingnya. Ia baru tersadar setelah Ki Hajar memegang pundaknya.
“Eh, Kanda,” ucapnya dengan terkejut.
“Istriku, apa yang sedang kamu pikirkan?” Ki Hajar kembali bertanya.
“Tidak memikirkan apa-apa, Kanda. Dinda hanya merasa kesepian, apalagi jika Kanda sedang pergi. Sekiranya di rumah ini selalu terdengar suara tangis dan rengekan seorang bayi, tentu hidup ini tidak sesepi ini,” ungkap Nyai Selakanta, “Sejujurnya Kanda, Dinda ingin sekali mempunyai anak. Dinda ingin merawat dan membesarkannya dengan penuh kasih sayang.”
Mendengar ungkapan isi hati istrinya, Ki Hajar menghela nafas panjang.
“Sudahlah, Dinda. Barangkali belum waktunya Tuhan memberi kita anak. Yang penting kita harus berusaha dan terus berdoa kepada-Nya,” ujar Ki Hajar.
“Iya, Kanda,” jawab Nyai Selakanta sambil meneteskan air mata.
Ki Hajar pun tak kuasa menahan air matanya melihat kesedihan istri yang amat dicintainya itu.
“Baiklah, Dinda. Jika memang Dinda sangat menginginkan anak, izinkanlah Kanda pergi bertapa untuk memohon kepada Yang Mahakuasa,” kata Ki Hajar.
Nyai Selakanta pun memenuhi keinginan suaminya, meskipun berat untuk berpisah. Keesokan harinya, berangkatlah Ki Hajar ke lereng Gunung Telomoyo. Tinggallah kini Nyai Selakanta seorang diri dengan hati semakin sepi.
Berminggu-minggu, bahkan sudah berbulan-bulan Nyai Selakanta menunggu, namun sang suami belum juga kembali dari pertapaannya. Hati wanita itu pun mulai diselimuti perasaan cemas kalau-kalau terjadi sesuatu pada suaminya.
Suatu hari, Nyai Selakanta merasa mual dan kemudian muntah-muntah. Ia pun berpikir bahwa dirinya sedang hamil. Ternyata dugaannya benar. Semakin hari perutnya semakin membesar. Setelah tiba saatnya, ia pun melahirkan. Namun, alangkah terkejutnya ia karena anak yang dilahirkan bukanlah seorang manusia, melainkan seekor naga.
Ia menamai anak itu Baru Klinthing. Nama ini diambil dari nama tombak milik suaminya yang bernama Baru Klinthing. Kata “baru” berasal dari kata bra yang artinya keturunan Brahmana, yaitu seorang resi yang kedudukannya lebih tinggi dari pendeta. Sementara kata “Klinthing” berarti lonceng.
Ajaibnya, meskipun berwujud naga, Baru Klinthing dapat berbicara seperti manusia. Nyai Selakanta pun terheran-heran bercampur haru melihat keajaiban itu. Namun di sisi lain, ia juga sedikit merasa kecewa. Sebab, betapa malunya ia jika warga mengetahui bahwa dirinya melahirkan seekor naga. Untuk menutupi hal tersebut, ia pun berniat untuk mengasingkan Baru Klinthing ke Bukit Tugur. Tapi sebelum itu, ia harus merawatnya terlebih dahulu hingga besar agar dapat menempuh perjalanan menuju ke lereng Gunung Telomoyo yang jaraknya cukup jauh. Tentu saja, Nyai Selakanta merawat Baru Klinthing dengan sembunyi-sembunyi, tanpa sepengetahuan warga.
Waktu terus berjalan. Baru Klinthing pun tumbuh menjadi remaja. Suatu hari, anak itu bertanya kepada ibunya.
“Bu, apakah aku mempunyai ayah?” tanyanya dengan polos.
Nyai Selakanta tersentak kaget. Ia benar-benar tidak pernah menduga pertanyaan itu keluar dari mulut anaknya. Namun, hal itu telah menyadarkan dirinya bahwa sudah saatnya Baru Klinthing mengetahui siapa ayahnya.
“Iya, anakku. Ayahmu bernama Ki Hajar. Tapi, ayahmu saat ini sedang bertapa di lereng Gunung Telomoyo. Pergilah temui dia dan katakan padanya bahwa engkau adalah putranya,” kata Nyai Selakanta.
“Tapi, Bu. Apakah ayah mau mempercayaiku dengan tubuhku seperti ini?” tanya Baru Klinthing dengan ragu.
“Jangan khawatir, Anakku! Bawalah pusaka tombak Baru Klinthing ini sebagai bukti,” ujar Nyai Selakanta, “Pusaka itu milik ayahmu.”
Setelah memohon restu dan menerima pusaka dari ibunya, Baru Klinthing berangkat menuju lereng Gunung Telomoyo. Setiba di sana, masuklah ia ke dalam gua dan mendapati seorang laki-laki sedang duduk bersemedi. Kedatangan Baru Klinting rupanya mengusik ketenangan pertapa itu.
“Hai, siapa itu?” tanya pertapa.
“Maafkan saya, tuan, jika kedatangan saya mengganggu ketenangan Tuan,” kata Baru Klinting.
Betapa terkejutnya pertapa itu saat melihat seekor naga yang dapat berbicara.
“Siapa kamu dan kenapa kamu bisa berbicara seperti manusia?” tanya pertapa itu dengan heran.
“Saya Baru Klinthing,” jawab Baru Klinthing. “Kalau boleh tahu, apakah benar ini tempat pertapaan Ki Hajar?”
“Iya, aku Ki Hajar. Tapi, bagaimana kamu tahu namaku? Siapa kamu sebenarnya?” tanya pertapa itu penasaran.
Mendengar jawaban itu, Baru Klinthing langsung bersembah sujud di hadapan ayahnya. Ia kemudian menjelaskan siapa dirinya. Awalnya, Ki Hajar tidak percaya jika dirinya memiliki anak berujud seekor naga. Ketika naga itu menunjukkan pusaka Baru Klinthing kepadanya, Ki Hajar pun mulai percaya. Namun, ia belum yakin sepenuhnya.
“Baiklah, aku percaya jika pusaka Baru Klinthing itu adalah milikku. Tapi, bukti itu belum cukup bagiku. Jika kamu memang benar-benar anakku, coba kamu lingkari Gunung Telomoyo ini!” ujar Ki Hajar.
Baru Klinthing segera melaksanakan perintah tersebut untuk meyakinkan sang ayah. Berbekal kesaktian yang dimiliki, Baru Klinting berhasil melingkari Gunung Telomoyo. Akhirnya, Ki Hajar pun mengakui bahwa naga itu adalah anaknya. Setelah itu, ia kemudian memerintahkan anaknya untuk bertapa di Bukit Tugur.
“Pergilah bertapa ke Bukit Tugur!” ujar Ki Hajar, “Suatu saat kelak, tubuhmu akan berubah menjadi manusia.”
“Baik,” jawab Baru Klinthing.
Sementara itu, tersebutlah sebuah desa bernama Pathok. Desa ini sangat makmur, namun sayang penduduk desa ini sangat angkuh. Suatu ketika, penduduk Desa Pathok bermaksud mengadakan merti dusun (bersih desa), yaitu pesta sedekah bumi setelah panen. Untuk memeriahkan pesta, akan digelar berbagai pertunjukan seni dan tari. Berbagai makanan lezat pun akan disajikan sebagai hidangan bersama dan jamuan untuk para tamu undangan. Untuk itulah, para warga beramai-ramai berburu binatang di Bukit Tugur.
Sudah hampir seharian mereka berburu, namun belum satu pun binatang yang tertangkap. Ketika hendak kembali ke desa, tiba-tiba mereka melihat seekor naga sedang bertapa. Naga ini tak lain adalah Baru Klinthing. Mereka pun beramai-ramai menangkap dan memotong-motong daging naga itu lalu membawanya pulang. Setiba di desa, daging naga itu mereka masak untuk dijadikan hidangan dalam pesta.
Ketika para warga sedang asyik berpesta, datanglah seorang anak laki-laki yang tubuhnya penuh dengan luka sehingga menimbulkan bau amis. Rupanya, anak laki-laki itu adalah penjelmaan Baru Klinthing. Oleh karena lapar, Baru Klinthing pun ikut bergabung dalam keramaian itu. Saat ia meminta makanan kepada warga, tak satu pun yang mau memberi makan. Mereka justru memaki-maki, bahkan mengusirnya.
“Hai, pengemis. Cepat pergi dari sini!” usir para warga, “Tubuhmu bau amis sekali.”
Sungguh malang nasib Baru Klinthing. Dengan perut keroncongan, ia pun berjalan sempoyongan hendak meninggalkan desa. Di tengah perjalanan, ia bertemu dengan seorang janda tua bernama Nyi Latung.
“Hai, anak muda. Kenapa kamu tidak ikut berpesta?” tanya Nyi Latung.
“Semua orang menolak kehadiranku di pesta itu. Mereka jijik melihat tubuhku,” jawab Baru Klinthing, “Padahal, saya lapar sekali.”
Nyi Latung yang baik hati itu pun mengajak Baru Klinthing ke rumahnya. Nenek itu segera menghidangkan makanan lezat.
“Terima kasih, Nek,” ucap Baru Klinthing, “Ternyata masih ada warga yang baik hati di desa ini.”
“Iya, cucuku. Semua warga di sini memiliki sifat angkuh. Mereka pun tidak mengundang Nenek ke pesta karena jijik melihatku,” ungkap Nyi Latung.
“Kalau, begitu. Mereka harus diberi pelajaran,” ujar Baru Klinthing. “Jika nanti Nenek mendengar suara gemuruh, segeralah siapkan lesung kayu (lumpang: alat menumbuk padi)!”
Baru Klinthing kembali ke pesta dengan membawa sebatang lidi. Setiba di tengah keramaian, ia menancapkan lidi itu ke tanah.
“Wahai, kalian semua. Jika kalian merasa hebat, cabutlah lidi yang kutancapkan ini!” tantang Baru Klinthing.
Merasa diremehkan, warga pun beramai-ramai hendak mencabut lidi itu. Mula-mula, para anak kecil disuruh mencabutnya, tapi tak seorang pun yang berhasil. Ketika giliran para kaum perempuan, semuanya tetap saja gagal. Akhirnya, kaum laki-laki yang dianggap kuat pun maju satu persatu. Namun, tak seorang pun dari mereka yang mampu mencabut lidi tersebut.
“Ah, kalian semua payah. Mencabut lidi saja tidak bisa,” kata Baru Klinthing.
Baru Klinthing segera mencabut lidi itu. Karena kesaktiannya, ia pun mampu mencabut lidi itu dengan mudahnya. Begitu lidi itu tercabut, suara gemuruh pun menggentarkan seluruh isi desa. Beberapa saat kemudian, air menyembur keluar dari bekas tancapan lidi itu. Semakin lama semburan air semakin besar sehingga terjadilah banjir besar. Semua penduduk kalang kabut hendak menyelamatkan diri. Namun, usaha mereka sudah terlambat karena banjir telah menenggelamkan mereka. Seketika, desa itu pun berubah menjadi rawa atau danau, yang kini dikenal dengan Rawa Pening.
Sementara itu, usai mencabut lidi, Baru Klinthing segera berlari menemui Nyi Latung yang sudah menunggu di atas lesung yang berfungsi sebagai perahu. Maka, selamatlah ia bersama nenek itu. Setelah peristiwa itu, Baru Klinthing kembali menjadi naga untuk menjaga Rawa Pening.

The Origin Of Story ( English Version )

The Legend of Rawa Pening
Once upon a time in old Java there was a village.  Pening was its name.  Pening was a prosperous village.  The land was fertile and the weather was always good all year round.  It was on the slope of Mount Merbabu so the climate was cool.  People made their living by cultivating rice, vegetables and fruits.  The harvest was always satisfying.  So all of them lived a happy life.  That’s why once a year they held a ceremony called ‘Bersih desa’.  It was a kind of thanks giving day.  It was a day when they express their thankfulness to God for a successful harvest.  They would clean their village and then they would pray together.  At night they would have a dinner together and held teater performances.
One day after a succesful harvest they would celebrate it.  That time they wanted something special.  They wanted more meat for dinner.  So they went hunting in a wood.  Just outside of the village there was a wood where there were many animals like deer, buffalo, mouse deer, lamb and many other.  But that day there was no animal at all.  Animals were nowhere to be seen.  They had searched every inch of the wood but still their effort were in vain.  When it was almost dark, they were very tired so they took a rest.  They sat on something that look like a rock and a big root.  Everybody was silent because they were exhausted and disappointed.
Then suddenly someone chopped the big root with his sword to relief his disappointment.  Amazingly there was blood coming out of the root.  They were surprised.  Someone tried to chop it deeper.  He found meat !  So they chopped more and more.  After their bags were full of meat they were satisfied.  Then they went home happily.
That night the people of Pening were preparing a big dinner.  They wanted a special dinner with the meat they got from the wood.  Just as they were preparing dinner, a boy came to the village.  He looked poor.  He begged food to some people.  But they refused.  Someone said :
‘We are preparing dinner.  You may come to our dinner tonight.  But not now’.
‘But I am very hungry, please’.
‘Just come here tonight’.
But then there was an old widow who took care of him.  She was just a poor widow.  She gave him food and shelter.
‘You may take a rest here.  Join us tonight for dinner’.
‘Thank you very much.  You are very kind to me.  You are the only one who helped me.  That’s why I will save you.  Tonight there will be a great event here’.
‘Yes, there will be a great party’.
‘No, I mean something special’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I cannot say now.  But listen to me.  Prepare a boat for you’
‘Why? What will happen?’
‘Just do as I say’
‘Please tell me what will happen?’
‘OK, you are very kind to me so I will tell you but please promise me you won’t tell anyone’.
‘OK, I promise’
‘I am Naga Baru Klinting.  I am a dragon. I was meditating in the slope of Mount Merbabu when your people hurt me.  They hurt me by chopping my body.  Now they are preparing dinner with meat from my body.  So I will take my revenge tonight,  but I will save you.  Prepare a boat for you’.
‘Oh, please don’t do that.  Forgive my people’
‘Whatever will be , will be.  Good bye’.
Then the boy left.  Just before the dinner began at the village hall some boys were playing in the yard.  Suddenly a boy came to them.
‘Hi guys a have a game for you’
Then he held a small bamboo and attached it to the ground.
‘If you can pull it, I will give you a special present’
‘Oh, that’s very easy’, a boy said.
He tried to pull it but it was very strong so he could not pull it.  Another boy tried but he also failed.  Everybody failed.  Then this game drew adult’s attention.  One by one they tried to pull but all of them could not make it.  When many people gathered then the boy said.
‘O people of Pening.  I am Naga Baru Klinting.  I am a dragon.  I was meditating in the slope of mount Merbabu when you chopped me.  Now I will take my revenge.  Enjoy your party’.
Then he pulled the bamboo.  Amazingly, water poured from the ground.  The water immediately flooded the village.  Finally the whole village sank under water.  They were all drowned and died in the lake.  There was only one survivor.  The poor old widow.  She had prepared a simple boat so she could survive.  Since then on the lake is called Rawa Pening.  Rawa means lake in Javanese and Indonesian language.  Today the lake is located in the province of central Java, Indonesia.

The Improved Story / Script

The Legend of Rawa Pening
Once upon  a time in a valley between Merbabu and Telomoyo mount there was a village namely Ngasem. A couple namely Ki Hajar and Nyai Selakanta that were wellknown, humble and kind were very pleased to villager. But, they didn’t have children.
One day, Nyai Selakanta sat in front of her house, suddenly Ki Hajar came along and sat beside her.

Ki Hajar                     : “Why do you look so sad? What do you think?”
Nyi Selakanta          : “Nothing.  I just feel lonely even less you’re gone. It may    feel less lonely if we have a child.”
Ki Hajar                     : “Why do you think like that?”
Nyi Selakanta          : “We have been married for long time, but we still don’t have a child.”
Ki Hajar                     : “Don’t worry, there will be a time.”
Nyi Selakanta          : “But when? What’s wrong with me? Did I make a fault?”
Ki Hajar                     : “Don’t say like that. There’s no matter with you. We just have to be patient.”
Nyi Selakanta          : “Okay, I’ll try my best.”
Ki Hajar                     : “Okay, If you really want to have a child, let me go meditating to God.”
Nyi Selakanta          : “Do you mean that you will leave me? Really?”
Ki Hajar                     : “No, it wil not take so long.”
Nyi Selakanta          : “Okay,  Promise me you’ll be fine and be back soon. I’ll miss you.”
Ki Hajar                     : “I promise you. I’ll miss you too.”
Nyai Selakanta permitted her husband request. Next day, he went to Tolomoyo mountain and Nyai Selakanta lived with lonelyness.
She had been waiting for months but he hadn’t come back. She felt worried about her husband.
One day, she felt something wrong with her body, her stomach hurt. She tought that she was pregnant, and her asumtion was right.

Nyi Selakanta          :  “What’s wrong with my body? Why my stomach getting bigger? Am I pregnant? Really? Thank you God! Oh Dear where are you? Are you alright? I have a good news for you. Go home quickly.”
Day by day passed, her stomach was getting bigger and she gave a birth. But she was shocked, because it was not a baby it was a dragon.
Nyi Selakanta          : “Oh My God! Why am I giving birth to be a dragon? Why am not I giving birth to be a regular human? It will be okay baby. I’ll take care of you until you grow up and then you can go to Telomoyo mount. I’m sorry baby, but it’s the best way for us. Start now, all people will know that you’re Baru Klinthing.”
She call it ‘Baru Klinting’ which taken from her husband’s spear. Surprisigly, even though he was a dragon, he could speak like a human. Nyai Selakanta felt dissapointed, she would be feeling ashamed if villagers knew that she gave a birth to a dragon. She thought that the best way for Baru Klinting was isolating himself at Tugur hill. But before that, she had to  take care of him in order to go to Telomoyo mountain.
Baru Klinting had grown up to be a teenager and he asked about her father.

Baru Klinting (dragon)      : “Mom, Do I have a father?”
Nyi Selakanta                      : “Yes my son. Your father namely Ki Hajar. But until now, he is still in Telomoyo mountain to meditate. You can go to him and said to him that you are his son.”
Baru Klinting (dragon)      : “But, will he believe me? I’ve never met him.”
Nyi Selakanta                      : “Don’t worry son. Bring this Baru Klinting spear for a proof.”
Baru Klinting                        : “Thank you mom. Good bye.”
Nyi Selakanta                      : “Take care of yourself.”
After he had taken permission from his mother, He went to Telomoyo Mountain. When he arrived, he went into the cave and met a man who meditated for very long day. It seemed that Baru Klinting disturbed that man.
Ki Hajar                                 : “Who’s there?”
Baru Klinting (dragon)      : “Sorry sir, I don’t mean to disturb you.”
Ki Hajar                                 : “Who are you? And how can you talk like a human?”
Baru Klinting (dragon)      : “My name is Baru Klinting. Is it the place where Ki Hajar meditate?”
Ki Hajar                                 : “Yes. How can you know my name? Who are you?”
Baru Klinting (dragon)      : “I’m Baru Klinting. I’m your son, sir.”
Ki Hajar                                 : “Don’t lie to me!”
Baru Klinthing (dragon)    : “No sir, I’m the son of Nyi Selakanta.”
Ki Hajar                                 : “How can I believe you?”
Baru Klinting (dragon)      : “I have a proof. This Baru Klinting spear is yours.”
            Hearing the answer, Baru Klinthing immadiately worshiped in front of his father. Then, he explained who he is. Iniatilly, Ki Hajar didn’t believe if he had a child in the form of a dragon. When the dragon showed Baru Klinthing’s spear to him, Ki Hajar began to believe it. However, he was not yet fully convinced.
Ki Hajar                                 : “Okay, I believe that Baru Klinting’s spare is mine. But, however that proof isn’t enough. If you’re really my son, you have to turn around the Telomoyo Mount.”
Ki Hajar                                 : “Go meditate in Tubur hill, one day your body will be changed to a human.”
Baru Klinting (dragon)      : “Okay father.”
In Tubur Hill
Another time, there was a village called Pathok. This village was very prosperous, but unfortunately the villagers were very arrogant. Once, the people of pathok village intended to clean village, which was a charity after the harvest. To enlive the party, will be held a variety of art and dance performances. Various delicacies would be served as a joint meal and banquet for inviting guests. For this reason the villagers hunted animals in Bukit Tugur.
Villager 1                                  : “Tomorrow, our village will hold a party, don’t you remember?”
Villager 2                                  : “Of course, what should we probably do?”
Villager 3                                  : “Mmm... how about hunting animal in forest?”
Villager 2                                  : “It’s a great idea! All people will be great about it.”
            They had been hunting for most of the day, but not a single animal had been caught. When they were about to return to the village, suddenly they saw a meditating dragon. This dragon was Baru Klinthing.
Villager 1                              : “Look at that! What’s that?”
Villager 2                              : “It looks like a dragon, Right?”
Villager 3                              : “Hmm the dragon . How if we catch that dragon?”
Villager 2                              : “It must be delicious.”
Villager 3                              : “Hmm, come on! Let’s catch that!”
The villagers  walked slowly to the dragon, but suddenly one of the villager steped on wood
Villager 3                              : “Oh God! You must be careful!”
            Baru Klinthing shocked hearing broken brances. He woke from his meditation and he was shocked either when he knew all villagers would capture him. Baru klinthing was panic and ran away. The villagers knew it and all of them ran to catch him.
Baru Klinting (dragon)      : “Oh My God. They will catch me. I have to run!”
 Villager 1                             : “Hey dragon!”
Villager 2                              : “Come here!”
Villager 3                              : “Don’t run!”
In Pathok Village 1 ( In Party )
            Next day, when the villagers were busy partying, there came a boy whose body was covered with wounds that caused a fishy smell. Apparently, the boy was the reincarnation of Baru Klinting. Because he was hungry, baru klinting joined in the crowd. When he asked for food to the people, no one wanted to give. They cursed him, even threw him out.
B klinthing (little boy)        : “Help me! Help me!”
Villager 2                                : “Yeah, we are so lucky cause we got this special           dragon
Villager 1                              : “It is very very yummy!’’
Villager 3                              : “Hmm.. it is so delicious!”
Villager 2                              : “Uhk... uhk... where is the drink?”
Villager 1                              : “Eat slowly, dude.”
Villagers                                : “Hahahahahaha”
Villager 3                              : “Hey, look at him! Ewh, he is so disgusting.”                      
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “Please, give me some food. I’m very hungry.”
Villager 1                              : “Hi beggar! Get out from here!”
Villager 2                              : “You smell very disgusting.”
Villager 3                              : “Just go and don’t come back, hush.. hush!”
B. Klinthing (little boy)      : “But, I am so hungry. Please, help me.”
Villagers                                : “Shut up! Get out from here!”
In Pathok Village 2 ( On The Way )
            What a misfortune Baru Klinting fate. With a stomach growled, he staggered to leave the village. Not so far from where Baru klinting was there, there was an old widow who cried caused the way the villagers treated her was so awful.
Nyi Latung                             : “Oh God! Why am I so unlucky? Why did they treat me like an enemy? I always do good things to them. But, they always disrespect me and expel me. What’s wrong with me, God?”
Few minutes later, there was a boy who passed over the old widow’s house. The old widow asked to the boy.
Nyi Latung                             : “What’s that? It looks like a boy, but why does he have a lot of wound? Oh, poor him. He may have a bad destiny like me. Hey, what’s your name?”
B. Klinthing (little boy)      : “My name is Baru Klinthing.”
Nyi Latung                            : “Why don’t you join in the party?”
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “I’m so sad. Everybody doesn’t want me to be in that party. They feel disgusted to my body. Whereas, I’m so hungry.”
Nyi Latung                            : “Sorry for that. How if you come to my house. I’ll give you some food.”
B. Klinthing (little boy)      : “Really?”
Nyi Latung                            : “Sure, boy. Come on!”
In Nyi Latung’s House
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “Thank you Nyi Latung. Apparently there is still a kind person in this village.”
Nyi Latung                            : “Yes of course. All people here are greedy. They don’t ever invite me to that party. They feel disgusted with my body.”
B. Klinthing (little boy)      : “Pardon?”
Nyi Latung                            : “Yes. They always isolate me. They don’t want to be my friend.”
Baru klinting was so angry, and he had planned to take a revenge to the villager
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “So, it’s time to take revenge.”
Nyi Latung                            : “Do you think it’s the best way to give a lesson for them?”
B. Klinthing (little boy)      : “Absolutely yes. If you hear something clamorous sound prepare a raft soon.”
Nyi Latung                            : “Okay I’ll do what you want.”
In Pathok Village 3 ( In Party )
Baru klinting went back to the party with carrying a wood. Arriving in the crowd, he embed the wood into the ground.
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “Hey all of you! If you think you are strong, pull of that wood that I have embed.”
Feeling underestimated, the villagers were busy trying to pull out the wood.
Villager 1                              : “Hey you awful boy, don’t be so arrogant. Even he is a little boy, he can pull this off just two fingers indeed. Hey you, come on! Can you pull this wood out?”
Villager 2                                : “Hah, really?  I can pull this wood out so easily with  closed eyes.”
Villager 1                              : ”Okay, prove it!”
Then, He tried to  pull that wood out.
Villager 2                               : “I’m sorry, I can’t pull this off. What’s wrong with this wood?”
Villager 1                                : “Oh, God. Okay you young man, can you pull this off?”
Villager 3                              : “Oh My God  it’s very heavy, I can’t pull this off.”
Villager 1                              :”Hah. How can? Hey, all men! Come here and pull this wood off from this earth.”
Villagers                                : “I’m sorry I can’t.”
Villager 1                              : “How can you? Oh My God you’re useless. You can’t ever pull the wood from the earth.”
Villager 1                              : “Look at me! Look at how easily I can pull this off!”
Villager 1                              : “Oh My God! How can? What did you do with this wood? You’re cheaters.”
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “I’m not cheating. You’re just useless.”
Villager 2                              : “How dare you say like that to us!”
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “You’re greedy you’re arrogant and you never appreciate others as well.”
Villager 3                              : “Hey boy, how dare you! Shup up!”
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “You’re such an evil. Now you’re about to feel what I am feeling right now.”
Baru klinting immediately pulled the wood. Because of his magic, he was able to pull out the wood easily. As soon as the wood was uprooted, the roar rumbled the entire village. A moments later, water gushed out from the wood. The longer the bursts of water was getting bigger so there’s a big flood.
Villager 1                              : “Oh why is the ground shaking?”
Villager 3                              : “What has he done?”
Villager 2                              : “Oh no.....! It started flooding!”
Villager 1                              : “We have to run! Run! Run!”
Villager 2                              : “Save your life! Run!”
All the people in the fog were going to save their lives. However, their efforts were too late because the flood has drowned them. Instantly, the village was turned into a swamp or a lake, now it’s known as Rawa Pening.
Villager 2                              : “Hey a little boy, help me!”
Meanwhile, after pulling the wood, baru klinting immediately ran to meet Nyi serves as a boat.
Nyi Latung                            : “Oh son. How about them?”
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “Don’t care about them.”
Nyi Latung                            : “Isn’t this too bad?”
B. Klinting (little boy)         : “No, they deserve to get that.”
Nyi Latung                            : “Alright. You are my grand child for now on.”
So, he and Nyi Latung were safe. After the event, Baru Klinting became a dragon to guard the Rawa Pening.

Moral Value
The moral value that can be taken from the story above is the pride, arrogance, and disrespect of others are dishonorable character. We have to help others without seeing social life, religion, and physical appearance.
